By Ingrid Preube
Most people are worried about the chances of scarring when undergoing removal of hair by laser treatment. While this has happened in the past, particularly in people with darker skin, these days the new laser machinery has all but eliminated this problem.
Darkening of Tattoos
If you have tattoos in the area of the body being treated, you must be aware that darkening sometimes occurs and discuss this with your medical professional before undergoing laser procedures.
The Risk of Eye Injury
Laser eye safety is vitally important during any procedure involving lasers. To prevent any damage to the eyes, wavelength-specific laser safety eye protection gear must be donned by both operators and clients.
The surface of the skin may be temporarily reddened after significant laser exposure. It is one of the minor side effects of laser hair removal. Proper cooling and the use of proper exposure time during the procedure minimizes this problem.
Skin Blistering
With the development of new and efficient cooling equipment, blistering has been almost eliminated as a consequence of laser hair removal. Tissue cooling can be performed through a contact chill tip or freezing spray to safeguard the surface of the skin. These measures serve to safeguard the skin from excessive thermal abuse.
Crusting of the Dermis
10% of clients treated for laser hair reduction with long-pulsed ruby and alexandrite
lasers may experience crusting. This is generally due to repeatedly over treating an area of the body with laser. When this occurs, appropriate post procedural care is very much recommended in order to avoid further problems.
Post-Laser Infections
Wound infection is rare after laser procedures. If by chance any wounds can be seen on the surface of the skin after laser hair reduction, infection can be controlled with antibiotic and anti viral materials.
Darkening of the Skin
Regardless of the type of laser used, there may be hyper pigmentation of skin after exposure to lasers. In this condition the skin is darkened due to increased pigment deposition. Usually darker skin is more likely to experience this. The good news is that it can be effectively treated with the use of bleaching materials and fades quickly.
Hypo Pigmentation
Lightening of the surface of the skin, or hypo pigmentation, can be experienced, particularly in darker skin types and where there are a large number of exposures to laser procedures. It normally fades quickly; permanent hypo pigmentation is almost unknown. This problem is mostly experienced with use of alexandrite, Q-switched ruby and Nd:YAG lasers.
How Concerned Should You Be?
Laser hair reduction is an vitally safe procedure; the problem we have described are very rare. To keep yourself as safeguarded as possible, always use a reputable laser hair clinic with a medical professional you can trust, and you will probably encounter no side effects of laser hair removal at all!
Label: Beauty
By Dave Stringham
In today's society, appearance means more than it ever has. If you are unsatisfied with the appearance of your face, don't worry; procedures are available to help reduce wrinkles, reshape your nose, and enhance your profile.
Facial Implants
Plastic and cosmetic surgeons offer a wide range of facial implants to enhance facial features for patients across the United States and the world. Facial implants can be used exclusively, but are often incorporated with other facial cosmetic surgery procedures such as a facelift, rhinoplasty, brow lift, or eyelid surgery.
Facial implants add contour to the facial structure and create more attractive proportions. They are commonly used for the chin, jaw, and cheeks. Facial implant surgery is generally performed on an outpatient basis. A similar procedure is performed for most facial implants. A small incision is made (often inside the mouth) near the location of implant, a "pocket" is created on top of the bone and the implant inserted. The incisions are sutured for healing. Normal activities may be resumed approximately one week following surgery. Strenuous activity is not recommended for at least one month.
Botox Cosmetic
Want to reduce lines and wrinkles? Botox treatment is fast, painless and non-surgical. Satisfaction is high and its popularity is exploding.
After a single, short visit with a cosmetic surgeon for Botox Cosmetic, your face will look years younger. Purified Neurotoxin Complex is a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botox, or botulinum toxin, is a nerve impulse "blocker." It binds to the nerve endings and prevents binding of the chemical transmitters that activate the muscles.
Botox Cosmetic usually take full effect within one to two weeks. Treatment will last from four to six months, and results may vary for duration and degree of improvement. The nerve endings will usually grow new connections to the muscle at sites that have not been exposed to Botox Cosmetic. Therefore, treatment must be repeated approximately every four to six months. At times, repeat injections between two and three weeks may be necessary.
Botox Cosmetic has been recognized by the American Academy of Neurology, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Nations Institute of Health as a safe and effective treatment for various muscle spasm disorders around the eye. More recently, Botox Cosmetic has been safely used in thousands of patients for cosmetic enhancement.
The most common cosmetic uses for Botox Cosmetic involve temporary improvement in
glabellar frown lines (lines between
the eyebrow) and excessive "crow's feet" (lines/wrinkles between the eye and temple area). Botox Cosmetic may also be used to temporarily improve excessive forehead lines/wrinkles. More recently, Botox Cosmetic has been used to reduce vertical lines around the mouth/lips and vertical lines/bands in the neck area. The goal is not to completely eliminate these lines and wrinkles, but to significantly reduce weakening of the involved muscles. Results vary from patient to patient.
As with the administration of any medication, there are potential side effects. Many plastic surgeons have been administering Botox injections since its inception. Side effects are usually temporary. They include ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid), which can generally be reversed with prescription eye drops. Other potential, but temporary, side effects include bruising, rash or irritation around the injected area, difficulty in closing the eyelids and brow ptosis (drooping of the brow) in those treated for horizontal forehead lines.
Lip Enhancement/Augmentation
Lip enhancement, including injectable fillers and augmentation with implants, can change the size and shape of lips, increasing fullness and overall appearance and feel. With the use of safe injectables like Restylane, Juvederm, and fat injections, plastic surgeons can create the highly desired pouty, sexy lips. Lip enhancement with injectables must be repeated in time because the body will eventually absorb the injected substance. These non-surgical lip enhancements are convenient because normal activities can be resumed immediately. More permanent lip enhancement procedures include fat augmentation and dermal grafts. These are minor surgical procedures, however, several days may be necessary for swelling to subside.
Ear Surgery
Otoplasty cosmetic surgery, also referred to as ear shaping or ear pinning, can correct protruding or deformed ears. Many parents choose to have their children's ears corrected at an early age, usually between four and 14, to prevent ridicule during adolescence. However, many adults also request otoplasty to correct misshapen or oversized ears.
Otoplasty is a relatively simple plastic surgery procedure, which removes excess cartilage and reshaped natural folds through incisions behind the ears. Sutures in the cartilage will secure the ears in the correct position from the patients head. It is important not to correct the position of the ears by excess skin removal, as this will create an unnatural connection of the ears to the scalp. The procedure takes approximately one to two hours. Mild pain medication is prescribed to treat any discomfort experienced following surgery. A protective head band is worn post-operatively for a minimum of two weeks. Patients may return to most physical activities within a few weeks.
Label: Beauty
By Dave Stringham
In today's society, appearance means more than it ever has. If you are unsatisfied with the appearance of your face, don't worry; procedures are available to help reduce wrinkles, reshape your nose, and enhance your profile.
Facial Implants
Plastic and cosmetic surgeons offer a wide range of facial implants to enhance facial features for patients across the United States and the world. Facial implants can be used exclusively, but are often incorporated with other facial cosmetic surgery procedures such as a facelift, rhinoplasty, brow lift, or eyelid surgery.
Facial implants add contour to the facial structure and create more attractive proportions. They are commonly used for the chin, jaw, and cheeks. Facial implant surgery is generally performed on an outpatient basis. A similar procedure is performed for most facial implants. A small incision is made (often inside the mouth) near the location of implant, a "pocket" is created on top of the bone and the implant inserted. The incisions are sutured for healing. Normal activities may be resumed approximately one week following surgery. Strenuous activity is not recommended for at least one month.
Botox Cosmetic
Want to reduce lines and wrinkles? Botox treatment is fast, painless and non-surgical. Satisfaction is high and its popularity is exploding.
After a single, short visit with a cosmetic surgeon for Botox Cosmetic, your face will look years younger. Purified Neurotoxin Complex is a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botox, or botulinum toxin, is a nerve impulse "blocker." It binds to the nerve endings and prevents binding of the chemical transmitters that activate the muscles.
Botox Cosmetic usually take full effect within one to two weeks. Treatment will last from four to six months, and results may vary for duration and degree of improvement. The nerve endings will usually grow new connections to the muscle at sites that have not been exposed to Botox Cosmetic. Therefore, treatment must be repeated approximately every four to six months. At times, repeat injections between two and three weeks may be necessary.
Botox Cosmetic has been recognized by the American Academy of Neurology, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Nations Institute of Health as a safe and effective treatment for various muscle spasm disorders around the eye. More recently, Botox Cosmetic has been safely used in thousands of patients for cosmetic enhancement.
The most common cosmetic uses for Botox Cosmetic involve temporary improvement in
glabellar frown lines (lines between
the eyebrow) and excessive "crow's feet" (lines/wrinkles between the eye and temple area). Botox Cosmetic may also be used to temporarily improve excessive forehead lines/wrinkles. More recently, Botox Cosmetic has been used to reduce vertical lines around the mouth/lips and vertical lines/bands in the neck area. The goal is not to completely eliminate these lines and wrinkles, but to significantly reduce weakening of the involved muscles. Results vary from patient to patient.
As with the administration of any medication, there are potential side effects. Many plastic surgeons have been administering Botox injections since its inception. Side effects are usually temporary. They include ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid), which can generally be reversed with prescription eye drops. Other potential, but temporary, side effects include bruising, rash or irritation around the injected area, difficulty in closing the eyelids and brow ptosis (drooping of the brow) in those treated for horizontal forehead lines.
Lip Enhancement/Augmentation
Lip enhancement, including injectable fillers and augmentation with implants, can change the size and shape of lips, increasing fullness and overall appearance and feel. With the use of safe injectables like Restylane, Juvederm, and fat injections, plastic surgeons can create the highly desired pouty, sexy lips. Lip enhancement with injectables must be repeated in time because the body will eventually absorb the injected substance. These non-surgical lip enhancements are convenient because normal activities can be resumed immediately. More permanent lip enhancement procedures include fat augmentation and dermal grafts. These are minor surgical procedures, however, several days may be necessary for swelling to subside.
Ear Surgery
Otoplasty cosmetic surgery, also referred to as ear shaping or ear pinning, can correct protruding or deformed ears. Many parents choose to have their children's ears corrected at an early age, usually between four and 14, to prevent ridicule during adolescence. However, many adults also request otoplasty to correct misshapen or oversized ears.
Otoplasty is a relatively simple plastic surgery procedure, which removes excess cartilage and reshaped natural folds through incisions behind the ears. Sutures in the cartilage will secure the ears in the correct position from the patients head. It is important not to correct the position of the ears by excess skin removal, as this will create an unnatural connection of the ears to the scalp. The procedure takes approximately one to two hours. Mild pain medication is prescribed to treat any discomfort experienced following surgery. A protective head band is worn post-operatively for a minimum of two weeks. Patients may return to most physical activities within a few weeks.
Label: Beauty
By Paul Fitzgerald
Colon hydrotherapy treatments are often advised to people who are experiencing chronic gastrointestinal discomforts or illnesses. Moreover, colon cleansing is much promoted as a means of enhancing overall sense of wellness and wellbeing. However, before actually having one, it is important that you consult with a healthcare professional. Sound medical advice and diagnosis are very important especially in this kind of treatment.
Although colon hydrotherapy is said to help prevent various diseases, especially ones the ones that are related to the digestive tract, it is always emphasized that such treatment is a preventive measure. Meaning, serious conditions may be avoided by proper administration of the colonics, or any form of cleansing regimen for that matter.
Also, it should not be neglected that colonic irrigation is only advised to be performed in cases that the colon is indeed experiencing blockage due to accumulated waste products. Such treatments are typically advised to be performed by a trained and experienced colon hydrotherpists to avoid unnecessary and undesirable side effects. On top of that, one must always check the sanitation standards of a colonic spa or clinic. Unsanitary administration and unsterilized or non-disposable tools such as the speculum or tubing can lead to disease contamination. Thus, it is important to go to clinics and
spas that are known to observe proper sanitation routines.
Most colonic machines and home colonic kits are cleared by the FDA. However, there are some companies that release their products in the market without clearance from the FDA. Thus, people who are advocates of, as well as those who are greatly considering colonic treatments should be wary of such products. Research about the machine or kit must be done before purchasing any. The same goes to the colonic clinics and spas that you are planning to go to for your colonic treatments.
One very tempting benefit of colon hydrotherapy is that it promotes weightloss. However, the procedure must not- should not be treated as a weightloss program. Immediate weightloss can be achieved through colon hydrotherapy when the colon indeed contains several pounds of accumulated toxic wastes. Overuse of colonics can often lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, or overhydration which can lead to cardiac arrest.
Such circumstances are exactly why colonic irrigation is not advisable to be performed on individuals that have heart diseases, and other medical conditions including appendicitis, severe hemorrhoids and anemia, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, intestinal tumors, and several other diseases.
To sum it all up, colon hydrotherapy treatment is immensely beneficial if only done appropriately. Thus, it is strongly advised that the procedure is administered by trained and experienced therapists. Also, diagnosis and advice from healthcare professionals are essential in this type of treatment.
Label: Alternative Medicine
By Paul Fitzgerald
The human body is designed to consume food, absorb nutrients from food, and eliminate food wastes as well as natural toxins that are inherently produced by the human body. The efficient completion of these functions is essential for the maintenance of an individual's overall health.
However, the disruptions in the normal functioning of the organs designed to accomplish the task of eliminating bodily and food wastes can ultimately lead to a number of diseases. These organs primarily include the lungs, kidneys, liver, colon, and the skin.
The colon is the end part of the human digestive tract and is therefore responsible for the final elimination of food wastes. It is composed of the large intestine and the rectum. The colon is a muscular tube that is filled with nerves and bacteria that aid in digestion, otherwise known as microflora. In fact, there are about 60 kinds of good bacteria that are responsible for synthesizing vital nutrients from foods, maintaining a good pH balance in the gut, and containing harmful bacteria to prevent them from spreading throughout the body.
Due to modern lifestyle which include abusive intake of alcohol and drugs, smoking and
especially unhealthy foods high in sugar and fat, the natural functioning of the colon is
oftentimes upset. This upset can lead to a number of illnesses which include constipation, diarrhea, migraines, bad breath, body odor, depression, and anxiety- to name only few.
The diseases that can be triggered by a toxic colon are not only limited to gastrointestinal discomforts. Accumulated waste in the colon is one great source of the toxins that affect other organs in the body. This happens when the toxins penetrate through the colon walls and get into the bloodstream. Once they get into the bloodstream, these toxins are allowed to attack other organs and glands of the body, resulting to various illnesses.
Naturopathic practitioners and alternative medicine advocates recommend colon cleansing. This can be achieved through taking herbal cleansing supplements, oxygen-based cleansers. Also, treatments such as enemas and colonics are used for the purpose of cleansing the colon. However, these cleansing products and treatments are not to be taken in ignorance. One must first have a thorough knowledge of the cleansing product and treatment taking them.
Certain medical conditions do not permit the use for colonic treatments. Also, some people may have allergic reactions to the ingredients that make up the supplements and cleansers. Thus, professional medical advice and diagnosis should be considered before taking these products and treatments.
Label: Alternative Medicine
By Shawn Saunders
When it comes to getting older, it seems like there is nothing worse than accumulating wrinkles & finelines around the eyes. Most people will take them anywhere else on their body -- just not the eyes. Unfortunately though, there is no bargaining about where wrinkles are going to appear. They appear where they want to and that's that. With that being said, it's no wonder why more & more people are beginning to search for the best eye wrinkle cream.
If you're one of the people searching for this elusive & almighty eye cream, do yourself a favor and read through the 3 tips below.
1: Don't trust every advertisement you hear or read.
Cosmetic companies spend billions of dollars in advertising in order to convince you and the general public that their products are the best and nothing else measures up. In the race to get your attention, something has been lost -- unfortunately, that something was quality. Instead of actually creating quality eye cream products, the big name companies are merely trying to project the illusion of quality. They don't care if it works; they just care that you buy it. It's a sad fact, but true nonetheless. Having said all that, do yourself a BIG favor and don't wholeheartedly trust advertisements and hype. More often than not, it's just more bogus claims and unfounded promises brought to you by greedy companies.
2: Magazines can be your friend, but they can also be your enemy.
It's not uncommon to see ads and full-
length, informative pages for wrinkle eye cream while looking through cosmetic magazines. This information can actually help you find the best eye wrinkle cream for you. However, keeping true to the first tip, you must be weary of ALL advertisements. Look for pages that have actual content about wrinkle eye cream. Once you find one, look it over and determine if it's just another ad or if it's something else entirely. If the so-called information merely goes on about how great a product is and how it's revolutionizing the way people treat eye wrinkles & finelines, you can just ignore it. But, if the information on the page covers different aspects of the eye cream, how it works, and what people are ACTUALLY saying about it, you may want to pay attention. Why? Because there are a plethora of "diamonds in the rough" out there; hence, a magazine could be your best link to finding one.
3: Use the Internet as much as possible.
If you're reading this, you have access to the Internet, so USE IT. There is no better source of information than the world wide web. Not only can you find the newest & latest developments about eye creams, but you can read reviews about the best of the best eye wrinkle creams. Make your own comparisons, read through opinions, ratings, and experiences, and even talk to people about the wrinkle eye cream you're interested in. With all the websites, forums, and message boards that are dedicated to the discussion of anti-wrinkle cream, there is absolutely NO reason why you shouldn't be able to find the best wrinkle eye cream.
Label: Aging
By Shawn Saunders
Every year that goes by is another year that your body ages. The more your body ages, the less attractive it becomes. The less attractive it becomes, the less confidence you ultimately have. The less confidence you have, the less likely you are to truly live your life and the more likely you are to give up on the idea of "looking good". Do you see where this spiral can lead to? Of course you do, and so does everyone else for that matter. Having said that, it should be of no surprise that people are trying to prevent this unfortunate cycle from happening. How? Simple -- by using a top wrinkle cream.
If you too are interested in keeping your youthful appearance and your self-esteem, then do yourself a favor and follow the 5 easy steps below to find the perfect wrinkle remover cream for you.
Step 1: Know what to look for. The search for the top wrinkle cream isn't going to be as simple as you think. That being said, don't think to open up a magazine and simply be told the answer. It's not going to happen. Instead, you have to do a little bit of homework and discover which active ingredients deliver the bests results when it comes to wrinkle removal. This could mean anything from looking at ingredient labels attached to popular wrinkle cream products to surfing the web for information to even talking to anti-wrinkle cream experts.
Step 2: Start scouting. Once you know what you need to about wrinkle remover cream, it's time to go out and search the market for "prospects". It's important to remember that you're not shopping during this step; you're merely gathering a list of "possibilities" for later on. Creating this list shouldn't take too long; then again, it shouldn't take 5-10 minutes either. The length of the list isn't important; but typically, the longer it is, the better.
Step 3: Evaluate your list according to price, claims, quality, and user rating. The
evaluation part is pretty easy, as most reliable anti wrinkle creams will have some sort of website that allows consumers to share their thoughts and opinions. Visit the website of each wrinkle cream on your list and begin reading through these experiences and opinions. You can determine the general consensus of a wrinkle reducing cream by simply counting the "good" & "bad" experiences that the consumers have shared. If there is more good then there is bad, then you can add that particular cream to your "finals" list. If the majority of people have had bad experiences, then simply ditch that cream and move onto the next in the list.
Step 4: Start sorting your "finals" list according to best and worst. This is basically the part where you decide which wrinkle remover cream you want to try first, then second, then third, and so on & so forth. You're not likely going to find the best wrinkle cream with your first purchase, so do yourself a favor and don't get your hopes up.
Step 5: Start buying and using the wrinkle creams that you have selected. Each wrinkle cream product you have chosen should be used for a minimum of 2-3 months. This is the basic time frame in which you will see noticeable results. It's true that some anti-wrinkle creams will provide results sooner than 3 months, but there are just as many that won't. In light of that, just stick to 2-3 month period to determine each products quality & reliability. Once the "testing period" is over with, you should be able to determine whether or not an anti wrinkle cream is working. If it's not working, just trash it and move on.
Additional Tip: While searching for the top wrinkle cream, it's highly likely that you'll come across numerous free trial offers. When you do come across these offers, jump on them. A free trial means you only have to pay a small shipping & handling fee and you get to test out the wrinkle cream for practically nothing. This is an outstanding way to great wrinkle removing cream without breaking the bank.
Label: Aging
By Shawn Saunders
If you're one of the many people out there buying wrinkle cream by the ton, stop! Buying and using the worst wrinkle creams on the market is not going to make your wrinkle problem any better. In actuality, it's more likely to make the situation worse. Having said that, put the wrinkle cream spending spree on hold and consider your available options. After all, whats the point of spending money if you're not getting any use out of what you're buying?
Here are some of the options that are available when it comes to choosing an EFFECTIVE wrinkle removing cream:
Anti Aging Anti Wrinkle Cream: This cream's primary goal is to boost collagen in the body. If the body has high collagen levels, wrinkles are far less likely to appear; not only that, but the skin will become significantly more elastic and resilient, meaning any visible wrinkles & finelines will begin to slowly fade away. As far as quality wrinkle removers go, anti aging anti wrinkle cream is among the best.
Iced Anti-Wrinkle Cream: If anti-aging wrinkle cream is the long-term solution, this type of cream is definitely the short-term solution. Why? Because it usually starts visibly working within just 15-20 minutes, and it's effects last for about 24 hours. This particular cream is designed to cut-off nerve signals to specific areas of the body; areas afflicted by wrinkles & finelines. When these nerve signals are cut-off, wrinkles & finelines will begin to quickly lose their form and become dramatically less visible.
The 2 wrinkle creams listed above can be found & purchased from department stores,
magazines, infomercials, specialty
stores, and even on the internet. The key to finding one of these “great” creams is to do a bit of research and find out which ones actually work and which ones don't work. It's important to remember that without some level of research, you're likely going to wind up buying the worst wrinkle creams again and again.
If you're on a budget and don't have money to spend on different types of anti wrinkle cream (such as those mentioned above) or if you simply wish to take a more natural approach to wrinkle removal, you should seriously consider using the following 3 natural, homemade wrinkle removers.
Bananas- Mash up a banana until it becomes cream-like (shouldn't take more than 5 minutes). After mashing it into a fine cream, apply a liberal coating to your face, making sure to get the real problem areas. Let the cream sit for around 30 minutes, then gently rinse it away with water. Once the cream is gone, ever-so-gently pat dry your skin. The worst thing you can do is roughly dry the area, as that would completely wipe away any & all benefits of applying the homemade cream in the first place
Coconut oil- Just rub warm coconut oil into your skin each night and continue the process for as long as you want to keep wrinkles away.
Pineapple- Cut out a core of a pineapple and then take the core and gently rub it on your face; around the mouth, cheeks, on the forehead, under & around the eyes, etc. Leave the thin layer of pineapple juice on your face for about 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with water.
As you can see, there are plenty of options when it comes to effective wrinkle remover. In light of that fact, try to stop being lazy and actually put some serious effort into your wrinkle reduction goals!
Label: Aging
By Victor Epand
One of the longest surviving toys ever created is the crayon. Every single year over 2 billion crayons are manufactured.
Apparently, almost every child will work his or her way through with about 780 of these crayons by the time they are ten, and every child aged two to eight spends about 28 minutes every single day coloring with the help of these tools.
I'm not sure how people who work out these statistics managed to arrive at these figures. Ordinary people aren't always aware of the fact, how exactly the statistics can be 'about' 28 minutes. Surely, if the wording is 'about' half an hour - wouldn't that make more sense? Or, perhaps, having such a specific figure makes it sound more believable and precise. In any case, it does mean that we get through a huge amount of crayons.
Let's imagine for a minute that we deprived every single child in the world of their crayons, and stole every single crayon that was produced for an entire year. That puts us in possession of two billion crayons by the end of the year. Now, let's imagine that we lay these crayons end to end. Of course, we'd have to be quite sneaky or the children, who would still be sobbing with their sorrow at having been deprived of these artistic instruments, would pick them up and walk away with them.
But, we're in an imaginary world, so go in your imagination with me. We'll lay every
crayon one after another in a long
line. How far, do you think, our line would reach? Across America? Half way round the world? In fact, our line would manage to wrap itself right around the planet Earth - not once, or even twice, but a complete four and a half times!
Putting it another way, every decade enough crayons are produced to reach right from here to the moon, and if you consider the time since they first started manufacturing crayons, there would be enough crayons to complete a round trip to the moon and back five times!
So, what is our fascination with these crayons? They crack, snap, crumble and leave horrible marks on expensive furniture. Yet, somehow, holding a stick of color in your hand, you become the owner of a world not yet formed. The blank canvas in front of you hides a universe not yet born, but still drifting around in your mind just as your thoughts.
Like a god, you create a world out of nothingness, vibrant colors flaming their way across a sea of white. Castles, dragons, flowers and cute little houses with four windows and a door in the middle, complete with blazing sun and smoke, coming from the chimney. But, nevertheless, I don't know, why you'd have the fire on during what is clearly a hot summer day, but this is our reality, a world where we create the rules. The world, where we command existence with nothing more than a small stick of colour held together with glue.
We don't need to steal all those crayons. Every child has the power to reach the moon. And they only need one crayon to get there.
Label: Arts, World News
By Jennifer King
More and more acne sufferers are now turning to treating their skin condition naturally. This is because doctors are now too quick to prescribe an oral drug for a problem that can be controlled with a nutritious diet and a healthier lifestyle. No drug will cure anything if you're continually feeding the cause with poor lifestyle habits.
Doctors won't prescribe a healthy, natural approach to treating acne because prescribing drugs is what keeps them in their job. Continual use of drugs can cause unwanted side effects, and this is what is putting more an more people off of visiting their doctor for the treatment of their acne.
So what would be your best approach to treating your skin? First of it's important to keep your skin clean, and you can do this easily with a medicated, anti-bacterial soap. It doesn't need to be a prescription strength chemical based soap, it can be one that you can buy straight of the shelf in your local grocery store. As long as it kills bacteria and keeps your skin clean there's nothing else you need it to do.
All you need to do is wash your skin morning and night, and this is to wash away all the dead skin cells, oil and bacteria. Doing this gives your skin the room it needs to breath, and leaves less on your skin to clog up any pores.
Keeping your skin moist is very important. Dry skin can encourage acne, and cause the
pores to become more clogged. Drinking plenty of water every day will help your skin stay supple and moist. You should aim for at least 8 glasses of water spread out through the day. If you body becomes dehydrated your skin will become too dry, and then your acne can get worse.
Eat a diet that is filled with foods full of nutrition. Fresh fruit and vegetables are the foods you need your diet to consist of the most. Your body relies on vitamins and minerals to function properly, and your skin needs them for it to look good too.
If you want to eat junk food that is filled with fat, and has zero nutritional value then your skin will reflect what you're putting into your body.
A diet that is filled with these poor foods also puts more toxins into your body, and these toxins put a strain on your internal organs. When your internal organs have to work harder this has an effect on the way your skin looks, and also has an effect on your energy levels.
Regular exercise helps keep your skin clear. Exercise helps your body excrete toxins through sweating, and it also gives all of your internal organs a good workout. Your blood pumps faster, and exercise will release endorphins so you feel better, and when you feel better you look better.
Using these tips for clearer skin will have a much more positive effect on your life than taking drugs for a year or two that only mask a cause of your acne.
Label: Acne, World News
By Roger Kelley
Acne remains a very unsightly condition that can catch people off guard. Needless to say, when a person wakes up in the morning and looks in the mirror and sees unsightly blemishes, pimples, and blackheads the desire to get rid of them pretty much is the first thing that comes to a person's mind.
There are a number of treatments for acne, this much is understood. However, what also must be understood is the fact that sometimes the treatments need to be delicate depending upon the condition one may be in. For example, certain acne drugs are considered off limits to a person who is suffering from depression due to the effect these may have on a person's mental state.
Of the complexities regarding acne treatment there is nothing more delicate than acne treatment in pregnancy. The reason for this is that the potential for risks and complications can be magnified upon the presence of certain acne drugs. The highly controversial prescription drug accutane, for example, is probably the worst type of acne treatment in pregnancy mainly because it can cause a variety of birth defects. So, it
goes without saying that one needs to select a treatment with extreme care when the
patient is pregnant.
Acne and Pregnancy
When it comes to acne and pregnancy many of the breakouts on the skin occur when elevated hormone levels can lead to changes in the skin. Of course, no one wants to have to deal with acne whether they are pregnant or not, but acne treatment in pregnancy is not as easy as some would think. After all, most of the drugs that are used to treat a woman who is not pregnant can not be prescribed to a pregnant woman for a number of reasons.
Over the Counter Treatments
When it comes to effectively dealing with acne treatment in pregnancy it would probably be best to stick with over the counter topical solutions. These are generally little more than concentrated cleansers that clear out dirt in the pores and do not have the residual effects that an oral prescription drug would have.
Keep in mind, before undergoing any acne treatment in pregnancy (prescription, over the counter, herbal, etc) it is also best to discuss options with a doctor. This way, a number of potential problems can be avoided. After all, it would not be wise to do something that your doctor would consider a faulty course of action to take.
Label: Acne, World News
By Trevor Mulholland
Unfortunately, there are no "cures" for acne. A foolproof way to keep acne from coming back does not exist. However, there are therapies and skin care regimens that can help to treat acne. These are as close to acne cures as you will get and with some patience, you are sure to find one (or two) that work for you.
Clinical Cures for Acne
Dermatologists are now using FDA approved light and laser therapies that show real effects in the reduction of acne. Blue light therapy and a combination of pulsed light therapy and heat therapy kill the bacterium that causes the common type of acne. The combination light therapy also shrinks the oil glands in the skin, which reduces the production of oil.
Other treatments performed in the dermatologist's office are chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and diode laser therapy. Both chemical peels and microdermabrasion take off the top layers of skin and stimulate the renewal of skin cells. Chemical peels use a chemical combination that is applied to the skin. Microdermabrasion uses a device that blows tiny crystals onto the skin. This sloughs off
skin, clears the pores and then vacuums the crystals and refuse off the face. Diode
lasers penetrate to the middle layer of the skin and destroy the sebaceous glands, thus stopping the production of oil.
Over the Counter Acne Cures
Products that contain salicylic acid work to get rid of some acne as do those ointments containing benzoyl peroxide, retinol or sulfur. For the best results, use retinol with oral antibiotics (prescribed by your dermatologist) and benzoyl peroxide with topical antibiotics. These treat more than one cause of acne, which makes treatments more effective.
Proper Skin Care
Keeping skin clean is always important, but when you have acne, it is even more so. For most, oily skin comes along with acne and the pore-clogging oils can cause acne eruptions. To help reduce the oil without drying out the skin, you should wash the affected areas twice a day. Make sure to use a mild cleanser as harsher ones can cause your skin to be inflamed. For exceptionally oily skin, use an astringent every morning.
A weekly facial sauna helps to clear up acne. This involves holding your face over steaming water for several minutes to clear out pores and then splashing your face with very cold water several times to tighten the pores. You can use a shower to get the same results on the rest of your skin.
Label: Acne, World News
By Matthew Stanton
One of the reasons given to the current mess we have in the economy is because of false pricing for housing properties. For instance, people would attach a $100,000 worth of a house with real value of only $50,000. People would then use the false value in the house as collateral for bank loans and other forms of credit. This would create chaos whenever theres discrepancy and someone runs out of cash to pay what is owed. Well, I am not really sure about the economic mess that is just how I understood it from my readings. Anyway, I am sure though that sometimes people tend to purchase house materials such as plasma television and chandeliers lamps that are way out of proportion to what they can afford.
Certainly, in this trying time of our economy, people have to be practical with the materials they put into market carts. They should go only for buys that are worth value for value. Some of the cheapest products in the market are not necessarily the affordable ones in the long run. It would turn out that the very cheap products are good only for a single use, if at all. On the other hand, some of the expensive products do not bring in the amount of service or satisfaction expected from their price.
Let us talk about chandeliers lamps as a case in point. Chandeliers are selling like
hotcakes in the market because they add so much to the full beauty of a house. Ordinary
American households are often made extraordinary with the purchase of elegant chandeliers. And did I mention that chandeliers provide lovely elegance to the house? The American society is conscious with appearance. Most often, whether we like it or not, the state of one family is gaged through the materials put in inside the house such as the chandelier lamp used.
How then do we find chandeliers lamps that have value money for money? Always start with the question if you really need chandeliers or not in the house. Like, do you not have so many fixtures in the house? If indeed you need chandeliers, the next question to ask is how many chandeliers are necessary. It is not advisable to put too many chandeliers in rooms that are very proximate to one another because they would only look lousy. It is not also good to put chandeliers in both the living room and dining area when the distance between the two areas is negligible.
If you need two chandeliers, typically one for the living room and the other to the dining area, choose for variety of the two chandeliers lamps. The normal rule of thumb is to have huge, wrought-iron chandelier in the living room, while a smaller crystal chandelier in the dining room. You may also opt for mini chandelier lights in some of the smaller areas of the house. The bottom line, again, is if you have compelling a reason to buy such house fixtures.
Label: Accessories
By Matthew Stanton
It is highly likely that couples who plan to marry take in more time than usual to decide whether to give marriage a try or not. After the wedding, there are still so many things to mind about for the would-be couples. Not least of these, granting theres already a house, are household furnishings, home decors, chandeliers and kitchen utensils.
The economic reality dictates that people should be wise spenders. They should be able to manage their financial resources in a smart way in order to get the most of their moneys worth. If given the options, people should opt for discounts and packages in buying household materials.
Like what I said above, that is how my friend Julius did when he bought pieces of chandeliers in the supermarket last week. Julius is renovating the main areas of their house such as the front lawn, living room and the kitchen area. He has hired our common classmate in grade school, Mitus, to design and manage the renovation. It was Mitus who suggested that Julius house need for new sets of chandeliers.
Julius is no expert to chandeliers so he sought the tips and suggestions of Mitus on how to choose the apt ones. Mitus graduated civil engineering in college so he certainly knows stuff about chandeliers and the likes. After graduation, Mitus has since been involved in various construction projects in the Pennsylvania area. In other words, Mitus can be considered the man even to small fixtures in the household.
Mitus suggested that Julius look for
crystal chandeliers with wrought-iron as base structure. Crystal chandeliers are one the best-selling, if not really the best-selling, chandeliers among American households today. They are so popular because they provide a lovelier look to the whole aura of a certain room. Crystal chandeliers make for elegant and classy additions to the living and dining rooms. They are called as such not because they are actually made of real crystals, but the glitters and shines would seem entirely like small and dainty crystals.
The suggestion for wrought-iron, Mitus said, was for strong and reliable framework of the chandeliers. Wrought-iron chandeliers are strong and sturdy no matter how high the chandeliers are from the ceiling. Heck, wrought-iron chandeliers can withstand mild earthquakes. Hence, the danger is lessened considerably with wrought-iron chandeliers. They are also a practical choice because you do not need to change chandeliers so often. The factors of practicality and economy are being taken cared of in wrought-iron chandeliers.
While it well and good that you know stuff about chandeliers before buying, it does not hurt at all as well if you ask pointers from the sellers. Most hardware attendants do not just give you chandeliers that are scrappy because that would mean you will not be likely to buy hardware materials from them again. To save further from chandeliers, it is good that they are already painted with the color of your liking. It would take much hassle and additional money if you still have to re-paint chandeliers.
Label: Accessories
By Matthew Stanton
Since time immemorial, man has been able to invent lighting devices for his specific purposes in the streets, offices, homes and even at recreational parks. If you noticed inside the cinema, the lighting effects (no matter how faint and small) add to the wow-sens factor of a theater experience. Some of the lighting materials devised by man include lampposts, incandescent bulbs, fluorescent lights, chandeliers, flashlights and car lights.
The inherent beauty in lights brings in joy to the humble, proud and sundry heart of a human being. A light brings in the feeling of peace, serenity and daintiness to every home. After all, it is by tracing through the path of light that every man seeks in life.
Inside the home, my favorite lighting fixtures are chandeliers. I think chandeliers are critical to the overall look of a room. We have two chandeliers in the house and both are chosen with great care to provide us the desired effect of elegance and glamor to the different rooms. The two chandeliers are strategically placed in our living room and dining area. They are purchased separately three or four years ago and each time I brought along Peter to help me choose for a chandelier. Peter is a family friend whom I can consider a jack of all trade. I personally trust Peters taste and instinct when it comes to hardware materials for the house.
Peter opted for a crystal chandelier in the living room because our living room is spacious
enough for an elegant structure. The crystal chandelier brings in a lot of artistry to the sala. The crystal chandelier is large, intricate and elegant in its design. It occupies almost twice the whole area where our fluorescent light used to be. The crystal chandelier complements well with the living room as the home decor around there jive well with the magnificent source of light. I think the design of the crystal chandelier is of Gothic style because of the elaborate look in the edges.
On the other hand, Peter opted for a smaller-sized wrought-iron chandelier in the dining room. I think it was still a smart suggestion from Peter because our dining area is not as roomy as the living room and we only need minimal source of light in the living room because of the proximity to other sources of lights from nearby rooms. What I like about the wrought-iron chandelier is the solid structural base of the light. You will not feel scared at all that the wrought-iron chandelier will fall down to the floor anytime soon. There is also an attached fan to the wrought-iron chandelier which provides additional source of air to the dining room.
I think there is no great difficulty in purchasing chandeliers in this day and age. The hardware stores all over the country will even give you tips on how to secure appropriate chandeliers for specific purposes. Some hardware stores also opened up online ways to buy their materials so you can choose and have those chandeliers delivered to you after just some clicks on the keyboard.
Label: Accessories
By ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writer – Wed Oct 22, 5:52 pm ET

Farmers tipped off authorities last week about the graves, located in the Euphrates River valley near Syria about 200 miles northwest of Baghdad, according to a local mayor, Farhan Fitaghan.
Fitaghan told The Associated Press that two of the remains were women.
Most of the victims were believed to have been army recruits from the southern Shiite city of Karbala who were traveling by bus in September 2005 to a training camp in an abandoned phosphate plant in Qaim when they were stopped by gunmen and taken away, the mayor said.
"We informed the Karbala authorities and invited their families to come and identify their relatives," said Fitaghan, the mayor of Qaim. "We held an official funeral procession today and paid all expenses to send the coffins to Karbala."
At the time, most Sunnis in the western province of Anbar refused to join the mostly Shiite army and police, forcing authorities to recruit volunteers from Shiite areas to the east and south.
The Qaim area had been among the most dangerous parts of the country for U.S. troops and their Iraqi allies. Al-Qaida in Iraq and other Sunni militant groups smuggled weapons and fighters from Syria, crossing the border near Qaim and heading for Baghdad and other major cities to the south.
Iraqi insurgents seized Qaim in April 2005, forcing U.S. Marines to recapture the town the following month in heavy fighting. The area became secure only after Sunni tribes in Anbar turned against al-Qaida in late 2006 and joined forces with the Americans.
Since then, authorities have been turning up more and more mass graves in former insurgent strongholds — testimony to the brutality of the nearly six-year war.
Although violence has dropped sharply across the country, attacks continue in Baghdad and northern areas where Sunni insurgents still operate.
A car bomb exploded Wednesday in the northern city of Mosul, killing four civilians, police said. The city has been plagued by attacks against Christians and other religious minorities despite months of U.S. and Iraqi military operations to chase out extremists.
Mosul officials said few of the nearly 10,000 Christians chased from their homes earlier this month are returning to the city, despite government pledges of financial support and protection.
Every Christian family that comes back to Mosul would receive 1 million Iraqi dinars — about $865 — on orders of the prime minister, said Jawdat Ismaeel, a local migration official.
Lt. Gen. Riyadh Jalal Tawfiq, the Iraqi military commander for Ninevah province, said the government would protect "every family that returns home." He said checkpoints and foot patrols were helping to improve the security situation in Mosul.
"We urge other families to come back," Tawfiq said. "We will ensure their protection."
Islamic extremists have frequently targeted Christians and other religious minorities since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, forcing tens of thousands to flee Iraq. However, attacks had declined as areas became more secure after a U.S. troop buildup, a U.S.-funded Sunni revolt against al-Qaida and a Shiite militia cease-fire.
Sunni insurgents are believed to be behind the recent campaign that has driven out roughly half of the Christian population in Mosul, the country's third-largest city, located 225 miles northwest of Baghdad.
However, a message purportedly from one extremist group, Ansar al-Islam, denied involvement in attacks on Christians and instead blamed Kurdish militias — a charge the Kurds have denied but which has been widely rumored among Mosul's Arab community.
The message was posted on jihadist forums on the Internet and could not be authenticated, according to the SITE Intelligence Group which monitors extremist messages.
Label: Iraq, World News
By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – House Republican leader John Boehner on Wednesday urged President Bush to block all federal funds to a grass-roots community group that has been accused of voter registration fraud.
"It is evident that ACORN is incapable of using federal funds in a manner that is consistent with the law," Boehner, R-Ohio, wrote Bush, saying that funds should be blocked until all federal investigations into the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now are completed.
ACORN, a group that has led liberal causes since it was formed in 1970, this year hired more than 13,000 part-time workers to sign up voters in minority and poor neighborhoods in 21 states. Some of the 1.3 million registration cards submitted to local election officials, using the names of cartoon characters or pro football players, were obviously phony, spurring GOP charges of widespread misconduct.
ACORN has said it was its own quality-control workers who first noticed problem registration cards, flagged them and submitted them to local election officials in every state that is now investigating them.
To commit fraud, a person would have to show up on Election Day with identification bearing the fake name.
Local law enforcement agencies in about a dozen states are investigating fake registrations submitted by ACORN workers and the FBI is reviewing those cases.
Boehner said his office had determined that ACORN had received more than $31 million in direct federal funding since 1998. He said the group had likely received far more indirectly through federal block grants to states and localities. "Immediate action is necessary to ensure that no additional tax dollars are directed to ACORN while it is under investigation," he wrote Bush.
Boehner said he and other Republicans were also asking the Justice Department to investigate ACORN's connections to the home mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying ACORN "appears to have played a key role in the irresponsible schemes that led to the current financial meltdown."
Republican presidential candidate John McCain has asked if ACORN, which he accused of perpetuating voter registration fraud, was "destroying the fabric of democracy." ACORN and other advocacy groups have suggested that Republicans are exaggerating the issue to keep the underprivileged, who tend to vote Democratic, from casting ballots.
Label: Economy, World News

NEW YORK – Wall Street tumbled again Wednesday as investors worried that the global economy is poised to weaken even as parts of the credit market slowly show signs of recovery. The major indexes fell more than 4 percent, including the Dow Jones industrial average, which finished off its lows with a loss of 514 points.
The Standard & Poor's 500 index was the worst performer among the major indexes with a 6.1 percent slide that left it at its lowest level since April 2003.
Corporate profit forecasts, a jump in the dollar and falling commodity prices signaled investors are fearful that an economic slowdown will sweep the globe even if lending begins to approach more normal levels as credit markets ease.
The dollar hit multiyear highs against several other major currencies, weighing on commodity prices. That hurt materials and energy companies, while the fall in oil gave a boost to airlines. Technology shares fared better than the broader market following quarterly reports from Apple Inc. and Yahoo Inc.
While reduced strains in global credit markets have eased some investors' nervousness about the economy, market anxiety remains as hundreds of companies this week report third-quarter results and issue somewhat murky forecasts that are stirring unease about the economic bumps that may lay ahead.
Wachovia Corp., which is being bought by Wells Fargo & Co., reported that it swung to a huge loss in the third quarter while the drugmaker Merck & Co. said its quarterly profit fell 28 percent and that it would cut more than 10 percent of its work force.
John Thornton, co-portfolio manager at Stephens Investment Management Group LLC in Houston, said investors' fear has shifted from the immediate concerns about tightness in credit and the resulting difficulty in borrowing to the broader economy as companies come out with their quarterly numbers.
"Even if it weren't for the credit crisis we'd probably be looking toward a pretty tough recession anyway," he said. "The third-quarter earnings are kind of uninspiring but third quarter hasn't been the real concern of people. I think the concern is the depth and duration of the downturn and the effect it's going to have on earnings."
The Dow fell 514.45, or 5.69 percent, to 8,519.21, after being down as much as 698 points in the final half hour of trading. Still, the Dow finished above its Oct. 10 closing low of 8,451. The Dow fell 232 points Tuesday after jumping 413 points Monday.
Broader stock indicators also fell Wednesday. The S&P 500 lost 58.27, or 6.10 percent, to 896.78, its lowest close since it finished at 892.01 on April 21, 2003. The decline leaves the index 42.7 percent below its record close of 1,565.15 in October last year.
The technology-heavy Nasdaq composite index fell 80.93, or 4.77 percent, to 1,615.75.
Lighter trading volume and the Dow's snapback — a rebound in the final 20 minutes that left the blue chips 183 points above the session's low — indicated that the trading was more orderly than it had been two weeks ago when waves of selling pounded the major indexes.
"I'm not as concerned about a pullback in the market when you have light volume," said Dave Hinnenkamp, chief executive KDV Wealth Management in Minneapolis.
Meanwhile, credit markets showed improvement after virtually freezing up in the past month. Bank-to-bank lending rates fell sharply from Tuesday to Wednesday, indicating that credit is becoming easier to obtain. The London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, on three-month loans in dollars fell to 3.54 percent from 3.83 percent, dropping for an eighth straight day.
Demand for Treasury bills, regarded as the safest assets around, grew slightly compared to the previous day as economic worries led investors to shun risky assets in favor of government bonds.
The three-month Treasury bill yielded 1.01 percent, down from 1.07 percent late Tuesday. The levels are a notable improvement from the 0.20 percent seen last Wednesday, when investors were willing to trade the slimmest of returns for a safe place to keep their money.
The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which also moves opposite its price, fell to 3.60 percent from 3.74 percent late Tuesday.
"We're making slow progress and confidence is returning but we're still not there yet," said Christopher Cordaro, chief investment officer at RegentAtlantic Capital LLC in Chatham, N.J.
He said the latest batch of quarterly results, which cover results through Sept. 30, don't reflect the full brunt of the credit freeze-up felt this month and the nervousness among some consumers following the stock market's swoon.
While he expects corporate results will continue to worsen, he also said the markets remain "in panic mode" and investors are perhaps being overly dour in their assessment of how the economy will perform in the next few years.
"When you look at the fundamentals of equities around the world, stocks are selling for very cheap prices," he said. "Behaviorally people project today's current bad news much further out into the future than they should."
Worries about the global economy helped the dollar. The greenback rose against currencies like the British pound and the euro as investors worried about sluggishness in overseas economies. The strong dollar helped drive down the price of oil, as did a government report that U.S. fuel supplies rose last week. Light, sweet crude fell $5.43 to $66.75 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, after falling as low as $66.20.
Gold fell sharply as the dollar rose. Gold for December delivery fell $32.80 to settle at $735.20 an ounce on the Nymex, after dipping to a 13-month low of $735.20 during the session. Silver and copper also fell.
While the drop in oil and other commodities can be a welcome sign for consumers and many businesses it can also indicate that investors think economic activity is poised to shrink.
Still, Hinnenkamp said the extra money in drivers' wallets compared with when oil was at its high of $147.27 on July 11 could help prop up the economy. Consumer spending accounts for more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity.
But materials companies fell as commodity prices tumbled. Aluminum producer Alcoa Inc. fell $1.63, or 13.4 percent, to $10.52, making it the steepest decliner among the 30 stocks that make up the Dow industrials. Miner Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. fell $5.82, or 17.8 percent, to $26.92.
Energy issues fell as oil slid to its lowest level in 16 months. Exxon Mobil Corp. fell $6.93, or 9.7 percent, to $64.57, while Chevron Corp. fell $5.06, or 7.6 percent, to $61.74.
The decline in oil helped airlines. JetBlue Airways Corp. rose 2 cents, or 0.40 percent, to $5.01, and United Airlines parent UAL Corp. rose 85 cents, or 6.2 percent, to $14.65.
In corporate news, AT&T Inc. said its third-quarter earnings rose 5.5 percent but missed analyst expectations in part because of strong sales of Apple's iPhone, which the carrier subsidizes. The stock fell $1.95, or 7.6 percent, to $23.78.
Wachovia fell 38 cents, or 6.2 percent, to $5.71 after reporting its results. Merck slid $1.96, or 6.5 percent, to $28.01.
Some tech names advanced. Apple rose after the company reported a 26 percent increase in its fiscal fourth-quarter earnings. The stock rose $5.38, or 5.9 percent, to $98.87. Yahoo reported a 64 percent drop in third-quarter profits but said it would cut at least 1,500 jobs, cost-cutting that appeared to please investors. The shares rose 32 cents, or 2.7 percent, to $12.39.
Thornton said the latest corporate forecasts are difficult to rely on because companies are grappling with many of the same unknowns that investors are struggling with, primarily the extent of weakness in the economy.
"These markets are making it difficult to gauge how much to read into management comments because clearly they're dealing with unprecedented change in fundamentals. It's hard to take their word on their outlook," he said.
Declining issues outnumbered advancers by about 5 to 1 on the New York Stock Exchange, where consolidated volume came to 6.06 billion shares compared with 5.09 billion traded Tuesday. The levels are lower than earlier in the month when volatility swept volume above the 10 billion mark.
The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 28.68, or 5.40 percent, to 501.97.
Markets overseas fell sharply. Japan's Nikkei stock average fell 6.79 percent. Britain's FTSE 100 fell 4.46 percent, Germany's DAX index fell 4.46 percent, and France's CAC-40 lost 5.10 percent.
Label: Economy, World News
By Cindy Heller
Since 1970, the aerobics exercise has become increasingly popular. Hundreds of aerobics exercise videos were sold. There are many different kind of aerobics exercise being performed all over the world.
Aerobics exercise is a special type of exercise which generally involves rapid stepping patterns. These steps are performed usually to accompanying music and lead by an instructor who provides the necessary cues. After the 1970 publication The New Aerobics book written by Cooper, aerobics stated to grow in popularity and peaked in the 1980s. A lot of celebrities like Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons began to create their own videos and shows to promote aerobics exercises.
There are two most popular types of group aerobics exercise which are Freestyle aerobics and Pre-choreographed aerobics. Freestyle aerobics incorporate a style of aerobic exercises that include choreography and dance movements. It is mainly practiced to improve suppleness and most of the participants of this aerobics type are women.
However, in spite of its popularity, many people still excuses to not take up any form of exercise. People often claim that they do not have enough time to go to the gym or that gym membership is much too expensive. No matter what excuse is given, aerobics can actually be done in the comfort of the home.
There have been many similar videos since Jane Fonda's video on exercises came out, so there are hundreds of these aerobics exercise videos to choose from. These videos include low-impact and as high-impact aerobics exercises. There are also specialist videos that cater to pregnant women in and the elderly.
Aerobics actually means with oxygen and this type of exercise uses large muscle groups over a period of time. It is also performed in a rhythm. Oxygen is used to sustain the activity over lengthy periods of time. Aerobics exercises require the muscles to work in great part so as to raise the heart rate to 60 percent to 80 percent of its maximum rate. It should also be continuously performed for at least a quarter of an hour to an hour.
Aerobic exercise can help you maintain a higher heart rate while the oxygen is used to
burn the fats. At the beginning of an
aerobic exercises session, glycogen is broken down to produce glucose. If there is not enough glucose available, it would result in fat beginning to decompose. When our body starts to use fat as a fuel, it causes a condition which marathon runners describe as hitting the wall.
Lose Weight With Aerobics Exercise
Losing weight is not very easy for most people. Most people don't really know how to lose weight healthily. This is one reason why obesity has increased tremendously in most parts of the world. Losing weight not only takes time but also discipline. However, that is what most people don't have. They don't have the patience which is required to lose weight.
In our society today, we want everything instantly at this moment. When things take too much time we tend to give up. That is the main reason why most diets and exercise programs fail. However you should know that losing weight should not have to be so exhausting. It can also be fun to lose weight with aerobics exercise.
To lose weight effectively with aerobics, the workout should raise your heartbeat for an extended period of time. You should continue the aerobics workout for at least twenty minutes at a time. This is because this is the point where your body starts to use excess fat for energy.
However, aerobics workouts don't have to be boring and don't have to be the same thing day after day. The best way to continue your aerobics workout is to find several workouts that you can combine throughout the week or month. That way, your workout never becomes dull and you won't get easily burned out.
Another factor that you must remember is to never lose your motivation. Most often, the reason people fail to lose weight is because their motivation wanes after a few days or weeks. Healthily losing weight takes time. It can be weeks or even months before you reach the weight you desire. If you want to lose weight healthily, you should only lose about a pound or two a week. This is too slow for most people.
However, you should remember that it took even more time to pile the pounds on so that is why it is going to take time to get them off. Most people don't realize is that it takes twice as long to lose the weight as it does to gain it. So, the most important thing to remember is to never lose your motivation and continue with your aerobics workouts to lose weight.
Label: Aerobics
By Cindy Heller
Step aerobics are practiced by millions of people. The reason for its popularity may be it is easy to access. Since it is a methods of providing the exerciser with a remarkable aerobics workout that also does not need complex equipment and nor does it need a big space. The only real requirement for Step aerobics should be a flat surface and a step.
A big advantage that is gained from step aerobics is it is a low impact motion and does not result in the joints stress like other activities, such as running or jogging. When a person steps on a platform there is no shock received by the joints and it also does not require any considerable amount of coordination or athleticism.
The Step Aerobic Exercise Basics
You may be recommended a step aerobic exercise program if you joined an aerobics class. They may tell you that a step aerobic exercise program will help you reduce fat, strengthen your muscles and increase your aerobic endurance.
However, before start any new exercise program it is always important to understand what the program entails, what are the benefits and what are the concerns. Knowing Step Aerobic Exercise first may be a shortcut.
One should also have appropriate workout clothing and a good pair of sneakers, which should rather be light in weight because there is a lot of stepping to be done and the footwear should also support the arch of the foot and able to absorb shocks. Appropriate footwear is very important in spite of the fact that step aerobics is a low impact activity.
The only thing to be careful about is that the item should be strong and safe so that there is no harm sustained as a result of falling or by twisting an ankle on an unbalanced step or platform. Also, one can increase the height of the steps or even raise the platform and this should result in increased fitness skill.
The Concept
Different with some other exercises that put considerable stress on the joints of the legs, step aerobic exercise is a physical movement with smallest force placed upon the joints of the lower extremities. In fact, when it comes to strain on the joints of the leg, step aerobic exercise is similar to walking level.
Step aerobic exercise is an aerobic activity that implements a 4 to 12 inch step.
Particularly, this cardiovascular exercise involves stepping up onto a raised platform at definite intervals and alternating which leg is used. This routine requires harmonization and may be synchronized with music.
The Benefits
The benefits received from step aerobic exercise would be an admirable cardiovascular workout. This is achieved through the routine that requires you to step up and down on the platform. This raising and lowering of the body involves the large muscles of the lower legs. These actions also reinforce those muscles as well as the tendons and ligaments that connect the muscles and the bones to each other.
The Safety Measures
Step aerobic exercise is same with any exercise activity there are certain precautions that should be obeyed. One such precaution is making sure that you carry out these exercise routines properly.
Proper techniques include stepping up onto the platform utilizing the entire your foot, being close to the step when stepping up and alternate the legs, doing not more than 5 consecutive step ups per leg, do not let your knee to lock and stepping up softly to and down from the step.
Other precautions include using a step that is at the proper height. This range is determined by the expertise of the step aerobic exercise fanatic with a height of 4 inches for a beginner and 12 inches for an expert.
Use The Step Aerobics Equipment
If you decide to buy your own step aerobics equipment, you should plan to spend wherever from $30 to $100 for your stepper. If you can afford to purchase a higher end model, the advantage is that these more expensive models are normally adjustable in height to accommodate different skill levels and workout intensities.
Using step aerobics equipment will help you accomplish all of these goals, and add an extra dimension to your exercise program. You can select to take part in a class that uses step aerobics equipment, or you can purchase the stepper and instructional videos and learn to do your own aerobics exercise at home.
The other excellent advantage is that step aerobics equipment is easy to use, especially if you are already familiar with aerobics routines. The steps are choreographed for music, but instead of moving side to side on the floor, you will be moving vertically by stepping up and down from the platform of your stepper.
Label: Aerobics
By Cindy Heller
Aerobics clothing and shoes are a "must be" when people perform aerobics exercise, or more specifically, correct aerobics clothing and shoes are a "must be". You may think aerobics classes just need spirit focus and physical dedication, but you can't do it well without right wear in comfort. You need following certain dress code like Iron Man choose his ones.
For those beginners first to attend the workout scene, it is hard to exercise if you don't fell comfortable. The constant up and down movements may put a toll on your body if your clothing and shoes are not right. The best way to choose your aerobics wear would involve you touching the cloth to get a sense of how it may feel to you.
Not to say that online shopping are not good, but experience with the material will make you know if your money is worth for the wear. Poor designs can cause problems for you if your routines are demanding, get it slow if you find yourself in a predicament of the material being uncomfortable. If you prefer more flexible, it may be helpful to invest in soft clothing for aerobics.
Find a balance between affordable and comfortable wear for you. Consult a gym instructor about his or her preferences regarding the initial cost of their wear, and look for something to fit your budget base on their answer. I suggest that you move toward the situation with an open mind. The price you pay for good material may outlast the benefits of comfort you receive while completing your classes.
Good quality aerobics wear will give the learning experience more memorable because you will be focused on your efforts than on the uncomfortable effects. Achieving a balance between comfort and cost creates a bridge for most people. Staying the same niche can help you buy the best outfit available at affordable prices.
The Ways To Choose Aerobics Clothes
When a person feels the desire to shake his or her body, in particular with aerobic
dancing, the need to have suitable aerobics clothes arises and purchasing aerobics
clothes is a principal goal because correct clothing will improve the workout and remove disruptions to the workout due to discomfort as well as impatience.
1) One should choose the aerobics clothes that are loose fitting to provide the wearer with sufficient amounts of free air flow because then the wearer has a feeling of being comfortably attired since aerobics clothes that are too tight would result in the body's movement becoming restricted and effectively making the exercise routine useless.
2) Another point to note about aerobics clothes is that one should preferably wear light color clothing during the summertime because it would be better to absorb heat and, moreover, would give a cool feeling that would help beating the scorching heat.
For the more fashion conscious aerobics exerciser, and particularly women exercisers, there are women's aerobics clothes that have specially been designed for wearing in the gym environment and these include sports tops and aerobics bottoms. Most of these outfits, when worn, strengthen the workout experience.
Water Aerobic Shoes
A good pair of water aerobic shoes should also conform to the shape of the feet as well as provide sufficient protection for all types of water workouts, and even for the condition of scratchy surfaces. Another helpful feature that a pair of water aerobic shoes should have is that they provide the user with buoyancy to the water fitness workout thus escalating drag to tone the muscles and should also be impact-free.
Whatever type of water aerobic shoes one goes in for they should be breathable and for this they should be made of single layer air mesh uppers that should facilitate drying, even when under cool conditions. Water aerobic shoes should preferably be close heeled because they are best for training as well as swimming in the water, be it a pool, in the ocean or a lake.
The water aerobic shoes should also let wearer feel comfortable and be made of soft and durable EVA foaming as that too is instrumental in increasing buoyancy to the workout. These shoes are not just for experienced exercisers and even people recovering from injuries as well as chronic conditions can benefit through using them.
Label: Aerobics
By Dave Lemanczyk
Cardio fitness is a requirement of every endurance athlete because if they tire, they fail. In physical training, cardio should be an equal focus as strength, power, speed, or agility. Trust me; this type of earned fitness is every persons nemesis. You know that feeling when you're out of breath and you don't want to be. That type of feeling is a basic bodily alarm that says needs improvement.
At one point or another, all human beings have experienced that weakness in lung power. If you can remember a time like that in your life, remember it because I will give you information to make sure it never happens again.
* Why are lungs so important to improving my cardio?
The lungs themselves need to be conditioned for optimal cardiovascular efficiency. Air is the natural resource human beings absolutely require for life. This is the reason our species can live on this planet; Earths natural concentration of air. Now, to the lungs; each lung is an estimated ninety percent water and needs clean air to operate optimally.
Moist, clean, purified air is always the most highly recommended for breathing. Since most of us do not live in an environment with high-tech air filters, we need to make a practice of opening windows. Ventilation is something all areas need since bacteria develops systematically inside closed rooms.
* What is the meaning of cardio?
I personally define cardio as having the ability to maintain positive focused breathing
under adaptive conditions. As conditions change, breathing is regulated and stabilized. This means you only breathe as needed without much drastic change. I call the development of cardiovascular fitness lung power. Lung power is something that all people can develop in little time.
The lungs themselves must be conditioned to work in temperate climates. Riding a bicycle inside a gym for example without fresh air is a tremendous disservice to a trainee. While the bike rider does receive a cardio benefit, the cardio should be performed outside, preferably within close contact with nature for maximum results.
* What time of day is perfect for doing my cardio?
The most adequate time for anyone to physically train is at sunrise. This timing benefits mankind on a holistic (natural) scale and especially benefits lung development. This time of day is prior to the working machinery and factories that fill the air with artificial smog clouds. Make the effort to wake up and train yourself at sunrise.
* How can I double my cardio in half the time?
I have my athletes running on natural grounds such as sand, over sand dunes and through forests. These unpredictable and differential surface runs create exponential results for my athletes. They improve within their movement capacity, reflexes and their reaction speed almost immediately.
The environmental factors such as a dirt path or a sand dune exist and make the athlete pay attention to them. After the run, the athletes endure a physical training program that focuses on complex movements and functional strength.
Label: Aerobics
By Jessica Donnovan
It may come as a shock to you, but including a little hula hooping in your daily routine will come with some astonishing health benefits not to mention add a little fun to an otherwise dull exercise routine. Chances are, you can probably think back to your childhood and remember using those large plastic hoops to have a little fun as they rolled around your waist line, though many of us figured that they had died out by the time we were ten never to be heard of again, I sure did. Well that's not the case because the reality is, hula hoops are making a come back but not as a toy, oh no, instead they are becoming somewhat of an exercising icon for people looking to enjoy getting and staying fit.
Aside from obviously being loads of fun, all kinds of people are beginning to discover that hula hooping is also an excellent all around workout with an emphasis on the tummy or abdominal muscles. These days, there are many women across the globe that have dropped some of those boring daily exercises we've all grown tired of and picked up their hula hoops for an exciting new way to workout.
By now your interest has probably been peaked and I have you pondering the true health benefits of hula hooping, right? Well the fact is that hula hooping really can be a great full body workout, although the main concentration of the hoop is in your mid
section, working to strengthen ab
muscles, tighten your stomach and even lose some weight along the way. By simply moving the hula hoop to different points on your body you are able to get that full body workout we all dream of. For instance, lets say you want to tone your arms, roll the hoop up around your arm and move it in a circular motion, making sure to keep the hoop going, almost immediately you will begin to feel the burn that we all love to hate.
While you can take classes and buy instructional videos that teach you how to workout with a hula hoop, its really not necessary. Here are some things to keep in mind to benefit the most:
1. When it comes to hula hooping, the name of the game is to keep it moving. The longer you keep moving, the more exercise you will get and more calories you will burn.
2. Place the hoop in the area you wish to workout. Place it lower down on your waist to work your hips, thighs and buttocks. Place it on your arms to work your arms, your legs works your legs and so on.
3. Consider trying a dance routine as you're hula hooping for a more strenuous workout.
The truth of the matter is, hula hooping is a great workout for the whole family, it always has been we just didn't realize it, and especially something that the kids will enjoy. After all, its our job to pull them away from the video games once in a while and every child and/or person should be reaping the rewards of a regular fitness plan.
Label: Aerobics
By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science Writer – Fri Oct 17, 11:29 pm ET
LOS ANGELES – A small NASA spacecraft embarks on a two-year mission this weekend to give scientists their first view of the happenings at the edge of the solar system. The Ibex probe, short for Interstellar Boundary Explorer, will study a chaotic region in space where the solar wind from the sun clashes with cold gases from interstellar space.
The solar wind, a stream of charged particles spewing from the sun at 1 million miles per hour, carves out a protective bubble around the solar system. This bubble known as the heliosphere shields against most dangerous cosmic radiation that would otherwise interfere with human spaceflight.
Scientists recently discovered that the solar wind pressure is at its weakest level in 50 years, although the exact reason remains a mystery. Ibex could help confirm whether the heliosphere is shrinking.
Observations from Ibex should help researchers in "unlocking the secrets of this important interaction between the sun and the galaxy," said David McComas of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. He is chief scientist for the $165 million mission.
Ibex, the size of a bus tire, will be launched aboard a Pegasus rocket that will be dropped from an aircraft over a Pacific atoll on Sunday.
The rocket will lift Ibex 130 miles above Earth and put it into orbit. The spacecraft will then fire its solid rocket motor to loft itself even higher, eventually to 200,000 miles above Earth.
Ibex will build on the discoveries of the long-running twin Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977 to explore the outer planets. The deep-space, manmade probes have since sailed past the outer planets and are headed out of the solar system.
Unlike the Voyager craft, Ibex will not barrel through space, but instead will do its job from high-Earth orbit. The probe carries two sensors that will collect information about the solar wind's mass and energy from all directions.
Label: Space and Astronomy, World News
By MARCIA DUNN, AP Aerospace Writer – Sat Oct 18, 5:18 am ET
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – NASA's efforts to get the ailing Hubble Space Telescope working again have hit a snag, and engineers are trying to figure out their next step.
Officials had hoped to have the 18-year-old observatory back in business Friday, after it stopped sending pictures three weeks ago. But a pair of problems cropped up Thursday, and now recovery operations are on hold.
It's unclear how long the telescope will be prevented from transmitting its stunning photos of the cosmos.
The soonest it could be operating fully again is late next week, said Art Whipple, a Hubble manager. At worst, the observatory might remain inactive until astronauts arrive with a replacement part next year.
"We're still optimistic," he told reporters Friday.
Flight controllers at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., began the lengthy process of restoring data transmission on Wednesday. Everything was going well, until late Thursday afternoon.
First, a low-voltage power supply problem prevented one of Hubble's cameras from being rebooted properly, and then computer trouble struck and all efforts ceased.
It's too soon to know whether the two problems are related, said Whipple.
"We're in the early stage of going through a mountain of data that has been downloaded over the last 24 hours," he said at a news conference.
Hubble's command and data-handling system for science instruments failed late last month and prevented the telescope from capturing and beaming down data used to create the pictures for which Hubble is known.
Because of the breakdown, NASA delayed its final Hubble repair mission by shuttle astronauts that was set for October. The mission won't happen until at least February, possibly later.
The latest setback is not expected to further delay the shuttle mission, Whipple said.
The recovery efforts involved switching to a backup channel for the command and data-handling system that had been dormant since the telescope was launched in 1990. That part, at least, seemed to go well, Whipple said.
So far, this isn't the longest that Hubble has been inactive since NASA's 1993 mission to correct its blurred vision. In 1999, science operations were halted about six weeks because of gyroscope failures that were remedied by astronauts whose flight quickly followed the breakdown.
Label: Space and Astronomy, World News
Tariq Malik
Senior Editor – Sat Oct 18, 11:31 am ET
American space tourist Richard Garriott is settling into life aboard the International Space Station and learning firsthand the lessons learned by his astronaut father.
Garriott, 47, is a computer game pioneer and the son of former NASA astronaut Owen Garriott, a two-time spaceflyer who visited the U.S. space station Skylab and flew aboard the shuttle Columbia.
It was while aboard Columbia in 1983 that the elder Garriott used a ham radio to call Richard from space, and this week the son returned the favor.
"I'm very excited, Dad, to be able to ham contact with you," Richard Garriott radioed down to his father at Russia's Mission Control Center outside Moscow this week. "I think it's an interesting and historical moment."
Garriott is the first American second-generation astronaut, though he's flying alongside the space station's Expedition 17 commander Sergei Volkov, son of famed Russian cosmonaut Alexander Volkov. He is paying $30 million for his 10-day spaceflight under a deal between Russia's Federal Space Agency and the Vienna, Va.-based firm Space Adventures.
"We're having a very nice time up here and having a beautiful view of Russia right now," Garriott told his father.
Garriott is the sixth paying visitor to the space station. He launched into orbit on Oct. 12 aboard a Russian Soyuz TMA-13 spacecraft ferrying two professional astronauts to the orbiting lab. Joining him on the trip were Expedition 18 commander Michael Fincke, of NASA, and Russian flight engineer Yury Lonchakov.
The spaceflying trio arrived at the station on Tuesday, with Garriott due to return to Earth on Oct. 23 with Volkov and Expedition 17 flight engineer Oleg Kononenko who are completing their own six-month mission. Fincke and Lonchakov are replacing the returning cosmonauts and joined NASA astronaut Greg Chamitoff already aboard.
"It was so much fun watching him look at Earth for the first time in the Soyuz on our way up," Fincke said during a televised Thursday interview, adding that Garriott was quick to learn the fundamentals of eating, drinking and bathing in space. "He's picked up all the basics really quickly and I think he's really enjoying his mission so far."
On Friday, Garriott held a radio webcast with children at Challenger Centers across the country to answer questions as part of his educational campaign. He has packed his mission with a host of educational outreach events, science experiments and Earth observation targets.
Garriott told students that he did not suffer from motion sickness during his first taste of weightlessness after reaching orbit, but the lack of gravity did cause a fluid shift that gave him headaches at first.
"I'm finally beginning to adjust and I'm only about five days into my 10 days in space," he said.
Garriott compared floating in weightlessness to the sensation of scuba diving, only without the water, and compared the spacious interior of the space station to the main cabin of a 747 jumbo jet. He is the first space tourist to visit the station since the addition new rooms and laboratories over the last year.
"Here on board, we're kind of spread out," Garriott told his father, adding that the extra room makes for comfortable sleeping arrangements." Everybody kind of takes a module to themselves. "We have a pretty sizeable room, and of course in zero gravity it's very, very comfortable as you know."
In addition to enjoying his spaceflight, Garriott is hard at work with this many science experiments and enjoying the camaraderie of his fellow astronauts.
"He seems to be having a great time and we're having a great time hosting him up here," Chamitoff said of Garriott. "It's been a lot of fun so far just to have six people on board and he's very much part of the crew right now."
Richard Garriott is chronicling his spaceflight training and mission at his personal Web site:
Label: Space and Astronomy, World News