By Michael Alves
Congratulations! You have the professional Real Estate web presence you have always wanted. Now that your business is online, Pay Per Click Advertising is the best possible online tool to let the world and your real estate clients know about your new real estate website.
If you're not familiar with Pay Per Click marketing, you're in for a treat. When people search for products or services online, they search by using keywords or keyword phrases. If you were to do a search on Google for "real estate" or "homes for sale", you will see that the top spots in the search results are occupied by large nationwide real estate companies or companies that provide real estate services of some sort. These companies spend tens of thousands of dollars every month to maintain their high page rank in the search results. At first glance, you might be saying to yourself, yikes, how can my real estate website compete with that? Here's the good news. You don't have to! Pay Per Click Advertising can put your ad right along side the big boys. The answer is simple. You don't want your ad for your real estate website to come up in the search results for "real estate". That's too broad. You need to be more specific. For example, you want your ad to be shown when someone searches "real estate in Glens Falls" or "homes for sale in Glens Falls" or "real estate listings in Glens Falls". If you're a Realtor in Glens Falls, that's where you're potential customers are looking. Your customers won't type in "real estate" when they do their search. They will type in "real estate in Glens
Falls". The "natural" search results listings will most likely be dominated by the big
companies, but guess what? Glance over to the right and you can see your ad for your real estate website right along side the big boys.
Why is Pay Per Click Advertising Important for My Real Estate Website? If you're a Realtor, having a professional Real Estate web presence will be an essential part of your business. However, just having a website will not guarantee success. You need to market your website. If your clients don't know you're there, you may as well have a lemonade stand in the middle of the desert. You might have the best lemonade in the world, but, if no one can find you, you're not going to sell much lemonade.
Pay Per Click Advertising is the fastest, most cost effective way for you to start marketing your website. In real estate, one good listing, or, buyer can turn into thousands in commissions. Your website being seen is important, but being seen by the right people is even more important. Grab a piece of paper and jot down some of the keyword search terms a client in your area might use to search online for your real estate services. You might find putting together a list of fifteen or twenty keywords takes no time at all. If just five people in your area search each of your ten to fifteen keywords every day, that's fifty to seventy five potential clients that won't see your website. That's every day! Type one of your keyword search terms into Google, chances are, you will see some of your competitors websites listed.
Would you like to see your Pay Per Click ad, for your real estate website right next to the results for your competitor's websites? Real Estate is a competitive business. You should be competing for those leads. That's why Pay Per Click advertising is important for your real estate website.
Label: Pay Per Click
By Darren Yates
It's going on right now.
The biggest Xmas spend online ever.
It stands to reason that each year more and more people get online. More of the people online begin using their credit cards to shop online and more of these shoppers realise the great convenience that shopping online offers. So they start to spend more on a wider variety of products and / or services.
So when Xmas comes around it makes more sense than ever to do the shopping online from the comfort of their home. They avoid the crowds, the traffic, stay in the warm, comparison shop, read online reviews and then get exactly what they want and get it cheaper too.
You can tap into this huge spending surge right now by utilizing Google Adwords and Affiliate schemes.
Things have changed at Google HQ when it comes to Adwords you can no longer link directly to an affiliate site.
You may now wonder how you can make any money with Adwords and affiliate schemes.
As it goes the change in policy at Adwords had zero effect on the most profitable affiliate promoters. In fact for the smart ones and even the not so smart ones it actually increased their profits!
How? well it's simple.
The smart affiliates didn't send their prospects directly to an affiliate site anyway. Instead they constructed their own site on which they presold the product or service they were promoting. By presell I mean they softly emphasised the benefits of the product, showed mouth-watering pictures, made comparisons to other similar products
to emphasise the benefits of the product they were promoting. In essence they wrote a
favourable, and what appeared to be an unbiased review.
You can do exactly the same. You don't need a full site just a single landing page will do. You could even have a page for each affiliate product you're promoting on the back of one of your existing sites.
The single biggest thing to keep in mind when you do this is that you must not go for the hard sell. Try to be unbiased and if there are bad points to the product you're promoting via Adwords be sure to mention them.
In fact I'd go so far as to say, make sure you list something you're not happy with.
I know that sounds nuts but it will give your review much more credibility than if you gushed overly enthusiastically about how great this product is.
Mention a bad point or a minor irritation but then be sure to follow with a major good point or qualify why exactly you didn't like this one feature.
What should you promote?
You need something either with a good conversion or a high commission. Preferably both. You also need to find low cost keywords and lots of them if possible. That goes for anything you promote really.
Consider what people will be buying this Xmas. What has the largest price tag but is still in high demand?
Ideally stay away from the obvious e.g. ipods, Xbox's etc there will be too much competition and so to high a click cost.
In conclusion the method of promotion mentioned above has served many people well and in fact resulted in, believe it or not, an annual six figure income for more than one lucky affiliate marketer.
Get your Adwords Xmas campaigns running now. Each day you hold of on starting your Xmas Adwords campaigns you loose money.
Label: Pay Per Click
LifeQuote Is About Life. Better Health Means Lower Insurance Rates.
If you ended up on this page you're probably nervous about your health and how it can affect your insurance rates. Well, you're right. Your health is key in how much you'll pay for Life Insurance.
Life Insurance Facts
- Cigarette smokers pay at least double the premium for life insurance than non-smokers.
- People who are overweight, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol could pay more for life insurance.
- A family history of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes or other chronic diseases will make your insurance rates increase.
- Having chronic diseases yourself can increase your Life Insurance Premiums.
Life Insurance companies classify people by different categories that essentially determine their risk of dying. The best category and lowest price is "Super Preferred", followed by "Preferred." Prices keep rising with "Standard" and "Special Class". To be honest, only the healthiest people in America are rated Super Preferred. The average person will qualify for a standard rate. The classifications vary from company to company, which is why it´s a good idea to shop around.
Life Insurance Example:
Male, 45 years old, $500,000 of 20-year term:
Average for a preferred non-smoker: $912.50
Average for a preferred smoker: $2,347.75
Source: Rates for other classifications
The point is you do have control over lifestyle choices that can hurt your health. You should take a proactive approach and work at staying healthy, at the gym and at the doctors' office. Insurance companies will reward you for it!
Label: Insurance
Some people mistakenly believe that buying life insurance-- that is, planning for their death - is bad luck and will bring misfortune to their lives. Those feelings of denial bring about inaction and results in leaving many people in this country uninsured.
The fact is that life insurance is not about death, it's really about life and enjoying the peace of mind that term life insurance protection can bring. For the typical male head of a household, those who depend on your paycheck: your spouse, children and quite possibly, your parents, the loss of your income can have a dramatic effect on their way of life. If you die prematurely, term life insurance can provide ongoing income to your dependents, until they are able to live comfortably without it. It can also provide emergency support for legal, medical and funeral costs, should family savings not be sufficient to cover them.
The purpose of life insurance is to cover any unexpected costs that a family unit cannot afford or that would put the family's financial situation in peril.
If you're the sole breadwinner for a large family, with little savings, then term life insurance is essential. Once basic items such as shelter and food are covered, life insurance should be next on your list of priorities.
What would be the immediate impact on your family should you not be there to support them tomorrow? Are they counting on your paycheck in the years ahead to cover basic needs and future savings goals? Could they afford the funeral costs? Who would pay the home mortgage? Would your family be able to survive economically without you?
If you fit this profile and don't have life insurance, you might want to consider it and perhaps discuss it with your family.
Which plan should you get?
In general, there are two basic classes of insurance to choose from: term life insurance and cash value insurance.
Term life insurance is just that -- life insurance that you purchase for a specific period of time-from 5-years up to 20-years. Recently, twenty-five and thirty year level guaranteed premium term life insurance policies have been appearing in the industry from top-rated life insurance companies. These longer level premium policies enable you to get long-term guarantees without paying the higher premiums of permanent policies, whole life or universal. The premium payments are applied 100% to the cost of the insurance. It's best to get as much information as possible to help you decide what is right for you. Life Insurance Resources
The advantages of term insurance
Simple Term life insurance, much like car insurance, is the essence of simplicity - as long as you pay the premium, you are covered for the term or length of the policy.
Competitive prices
Prices have been steadily decreasing on term life policies and it can easily be compared on the basis of price alone. Often, the largest and most prestigious life insurance companies with the household names you know, offer some of the most competitive term life rates.
Top Rated Life Insurance Companies
Most term policies are very flexible, allowing for both renewable (you can renew for another term policy without a medical exam and convertible terms (convert your term policy into a universal policy).
How much coverage?
If you have finally decided to get insurance another important issue is to figure out how much insurance you need and for how long. The easiest way to approach this is to ask yourself: if you're the primary caregiver to dependents, what will it cost to replace you with a paid provider, and for how long?
The most basic way to calculate your insurance needs is to replace your annual income until you retire. Start with your current annual before-tax salary, and estimate how many years left until retirement. Here is a great tool to help you figure it out, our online life insurance calculator,
Do you need professional advice?
It used to be that you had to rely on the advice of an insurance agent (passed down from generation to generation) to buy life insurance but the 21 st century has changed all that. Now you can do your own research online and learn about the type of insurance that is right for you and your family. When it comes to purchasing simple, straightforward term life insurance, most educated consumers can choose for themselves and will probably end up paying less in the long run. But if you think you have more complex financial issues, you should invest the time to discuss your needs with a certified financial planner.
Label: Insurance
By derek smiley
You might drive like a saint, but can you guarantee that the person you are buying the part worn tyres off have not hit every kerb and been speed testing on the local car park gravel? How do you know if you will be safe? How do you know what you are getting, will the part worn tyre be safe at high speed or in the wet?
Here are some tried and tested guidelines to help you make a decision. Your safety, that of your passengers and other road users is the most important thing for you to consider.
Firstly, you must consider why you are thinking of buying used tyres.Have you heard of aquaplaning? Well its all physics in the end, tyres are your only contact with the road, you are not Fred Flintstone! Without good grip, your brakes and your steering will be seriously compromised and at a particular speed in the wet you could loose control.
The more tread you have the better. The sipes are designed to clear water from the road surface so that the tyre can make contact with the road. The deeper the tread, the more water can be cleared from the road, meaning the less likely you are to find yourself aqua planing.
Aquaplanning happens when a level of water builds up between the road surface and the tire and causes your brakes and steering to stop working. If this happens, ABS (anti brake system) and electronics will be of no help to you. Gravity and cause and affect, i.e. force and friction will have taken over. It really is down to science! Have you ever seen a skipping stone? It does not stop very quick.
You will find with a part worn tyre, the tread will not be as deep as on a new tyre, meaning much leass grip in nasty wet conditions. The legal limit is in fact very low, a few mm and should be seen as an absolute minimum rather than the point at which a tyre should be changed. All tyres have wear indicators that are little raised areas between the sipes. If you can see them, then the tyre manufacturer is trying to tell you they are
past their safety level, steer clear of
them. please!
Sometimes, tyres that have been damaged, the tyre will actually literally come apart. The tread parts company with the carcass of the tyre. Ask Top Gear star Richard Hammond what happens when the tyre laminates blew up! It caused him to crash that jet-powered car. Almost killed him. have you ever seen a truck tyre come apart? Not very nice!
A tyre should be changed every 20k to 25k miles and definetely every couple of years. Remember everytime you push the mileage beyond the limits you are endagering the public and yourself. Do not be so tight with your budget!
A major component of a tyre is the carcass. This is made up of a entwined weave of steel wires and fabric bonded to rubber casing. The rubber compound that then goes to make the tread is wound around the carcass before being placed into a mould where pressure and heat imprint the tread, all very technical but designed to provide a very strong tyre.
Always check the carcass as it is surprisingly easy to damage (kerbs, punctures etc.) Look for obvious signs such as areas where the tread is uneven or lifted, bubbles (especially), unusual wear all around the tyre.
You can often see damage better by removing the tyre and looking inside. This is only possible if it is not mounted on the rim of the wheel. Take the sides of the tyre and pull them apart you can then see the inside, quite easily. There should be no granules, rubber or tacks inside, you shuld find the pattern inside uniform. Still holding the sidewalls apart, press the tread of the tyre down onto a step or other (not sharp!) corner. Rotate the tyre, it may make you dizzy but its important to look for any damage.
Do you know what a bead is? It is the part which joins the inner rim of the wheel, make sure you check it for wear and tear. Finally check the general condition of the compound, sometimes the rubber appears to be broken up or the sidewalls badly marked, please steer clear of such a part worn tyre.
Part worn tyres in my opinion are dangerous, my question to you is would you let your loved ones buy one?
Label: Automotive
By Mike Hickmon
Automobile fuel economy, gas saving devices, tips to save gas, and even free gas is on the minds of people today. Why? Gas prices are at historic highs, and people are reeling from the pain. What can we do? Drive our cars using water as fuel, or at least partially.
Years ago it was discovered that that you can make cars run on both water and gasoline. This is accomplished through a process called electrolysis. This is where water is converted into hydroxy also known as browns gas or HHO gas. Using the HHO gas you can expect to see an increase in gas mileage of 20% - 50% and with more tweaking up to 100%! This is due to the fact that the small hydrogen atoms ram into the over sized droplets of gas; thus breaking them down and making them burn more efficient. Did you know that the engines in most of our cars are so inefficient that we only use 20% of the gas? Yeah 80% of the gas is wasted and thrown into the air to make good old pollution. Now you know why we have catalytic converters!
This is something that I have implemented and swear by. I have a 1990 Lexus LS 400. It has a V8 and demands Premium gas. My car used to knock (on regular), and the exhaust smelled very bad. For a V8 it didn't do too bad 18.5 city 23.5 HWY. But now it is
in the high 20's city and pushing 30
HWY. But that’s not all, you get more power, less or no pinging, and no more bad smell out of the tail pipe! What I will do in the near future is take my car to a smog station and do a comparison, a before and after. What I want to see is just how much better the emissions are. With that much-reduced smell there has to be an improvement. I did talk to the place that does my smog testing and they are cool with it. I might make a video of it.
I’m very excited about this. I have spent loads of time researching this subject, and have, what I believe to be the most detailed review of these programs. Each of the programs offers something different. Water 4 Gas for example offers great bonuses. One of them includes the plans to make a car that runs totally on hydroxy or HHO. On my review site I have various videos about people who have done just that. I guess that I will just tinker around and see what I can do to improve what I already have done. Trust me once you start it you will get the bug and start to make your own Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
So then, are you sick and tired of being gouged at the pump? Would you like to have a cleaner running engine? Would you like to have more power with less pinging? Would you like to make far less pollution in the process? And would you like to have fun like me and build your own water-powered vehicle?
Label: Automotive