By Jinger Jarrett
We all have nightmares of high school English teachers.
Improper grammar, bad spelling, and problems with writing a paragraph may just be a few of the problems you had in writing in school.
However, writing for the business world is a little different. Yes, you should still learn how to spell. Use capital letters in the appropriate places, and make your writing look professional.
The rules of grammar can be broken though to make your writing more clear, as well as making your writing more conversational.
Regardless of what type of writing you need to do for your business, these tips will help you write better. They may not help you get an A in English class, but they could help you write better copy and improve your conversion.
1. Write and then edit.
If you're having trouble getting started, the problem may be that you are trying to write your piece perfectly the first time.
The easiest way to correct writer's block is to simply say what you have to say. Write it down as it comes to you. Once you've written down everything you need to say, set it aside for awhile. Then go back and edit. Do you rewrites after you have written it.
2. Read it out loud.
You can catch up to 70 percent of your grammar and writing mistakes by reading your piece aloud. Check for flow. You'll get clearer writing by hearing how the piece sounds.
3. Do a good spell check.
If you're not very good at spelling, you
can use your spell check to help you find many spelling mistakes. However, a good spell check won't catch words that sound alike. If a spell check isn't enough to help you find all of your errors, find someone who spells well and get him/her to read it and check for mistakes for you.
4. Study good sales materials.
If you don't have a swipe file, you should keep one. This should include a text document of great headlines you have found, great sales letters, email sales letters, ads, etc.
Include pieces that appeal to you. This can also include the sales materials for things you have bought.
Study these pieces and incorporate what you learn into your own writing. However, don't copy. Rewrite elements in your own words.
5. Focus on the benefits not the features of your product or service.
What is the most important benefit of your product? This isn't what a product will do, it is what it will do for the customer.
For example, if you are selling shampoo, perhaps the shampoo gets hair really clean. The major benefit for the customer could be that this shampoo creates shiny, luxurious, and thicker hair that makes him/her look like he/she stepped out of a salon.
When writing for the Internet, think about your reader. Use short words, short paragraphs, and only write your piece as long as it needs to be to explain your offer. Readers online read 25 percent slower than when they are reading in print.
You'll get a better sales piece, and your reader is more likely to respond to your offer.
Label: Writing for the web